About Us
We Represent & Believe
In the Future of LA
We are a federation of over 300 affiliated union and labor organizations representing more than 800,000 members, each with their own unique story and background. We stand united in our mission to build a movement for justice committed to protecting the rights of working people and improving the lives of our families and communities.
Since 1894, the LA Fed has been a force for progress.
We empower workers to organize and take collective action to win better wages and respect in the workplace. We fight for all working families and marginalized communities. We support policies and campaigns that will transform Los Angeles and create lasting change beyond. We are the working people of Los Angeles and we are a movement for justice.
More than 100 years of experience show us that unions and the right to bargain collectively are the best way to create good, safe jobs. We help organize workers and protect existing union locals so they can make better lives for themselves and their families.
We support progressive leaders and policies that will ensure the protection of our rights and the betterment of our lives.
We push for transformational change by supporting progressive initiatives to improve the lives of working people and benefit the communities where we live.
Our present struggles are urgent, but we must also plan for the future. We’re looking decades ahead to prepare for an ever-changing world, where issues like the gig economy, automation, and machine learning may threaten shared prosperity.
For Our Union Makes Us Strong
Our People
LA County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO