
The People’s Project is Celebrating it’s Inaugural Year alongside the People of LA


The People’s Project has serviced over 90,000 Angelenos and it’s only the beginning!

Earlier this year in March of 2022, the LA Fed’s 2022 Workers Congress in Downtown Los Angeles celebrated the launch of The People’s Project. The first and largest project of its kind in the history of Los Angeles, The People’s Project will reach over 2 million workers by connecting them to vital aid and services such as rental assistance, child care, mental health services, housing, food accessibility and more. 

From the outset, The People’s Project vowed to train hundreds of essential union workers to be the first point of contact to assist workers and communities in accessing the resources they need. It also pledged to conduct a massive outreach project throughout the County of Los Angeles to ensure that community resources are being distributed equitably and that our underserved communities are receiving the services they need most. 

“Black and Brown communities are an integral part of Los Angeles County. Unfortunately, they also live with a historical legacy of poverty, homelessness, and discrimination,” said Dr. Melina Abdullah of the California Faculty Association. These issues impacted our communities before the pandemic, but now our society’s collective awareness has grown, recognizing the need for genuine systemic change. I am excited that the People’s Project has the potential to empower millions of people of color throughout Los Angeles County, in particular, Black and Brown Women to get the resources they need so that our communities can thrive.”

Since then, The People’s Project has surveyed over 10,000 working Angelenos all over LA County, has serviced over 90,000 people, and assisted over 22,000 households. From providing food aid, rental assistance, organizing trainings, and beyond, the project has positively impacted LA’s most underserved communities including South LA and the San Fernando Valley. In addition, by partnering with vital community organizations like IBTU, Miss Rodger’s Neighborhood, Project 43, Aaron Community Cultural Center and Shields for Families, they have uplifted and empowered communities to take back their power, block by block.

“Our work has the potential to change millions of people’s lives for the better in LA County,” said Becky Alvarez, People’s Project Director. “By organizing person to person, block by block we are getting a true understanding of what working families in LA County need in order to thrive and live with dignity and respect. The pandemic shined a light on societal ills that had been present in our neighborhoods for decades. I’m excited that we are now rolling up our sleeves and getting to work to build the power of working people to make a lasting change that will benefit our communities for generations to come.”

Visit PEOPLESPROJECT.LA for more information.

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